Use vitamix with hearing protection

Updated 8 15

20 ox of Vegetable Broth

1 1/2 cups Oz Oatmeal (or brown rice)


2 cups frozen grapes

one red beet about 2-3 inches in diameter

1-2 tablespoons of almond butter depending on how many calories you want to consume (seeking weight loss or gain)

1 ½ ounces or four small dates

1 tbs Flax seeds

1 tbs Pumpkin seeds

1 tsp Sunflower seeds

Run vitamix until begins to warm (not hot, will turn very thick if you run too long about 4 minutes)


2 bananas

two cups blueberries (I use frozen)

1 cup frozen strawberries

¾ to one apple (I cut into quarters and freeze ahead of time)

You will need to use the Vitamix plunger and push the fruit into the blade – the mixture will be very thick. If you are not strong enough, cut the amount of fruit down by reducing equally. Try 1 bananas, ½ apple and one or two less strawberries.


I make this daily and portion it into 6 oz plastic containers and refrigerate.


Go to Google and put in the name of each of the ingredients and the word “nutrients.”

This is the way to fine tune your recipe to the nutrient balance you seek.


I take 2 1200 Mg Pancreatin tablets 30 minutes before eating (your needs will vary) read about how to determine the correct amount for you: )


In order to get all of the nutrition possible out of any fruit or vegetable I like to use the Vitamix to break up the food particles. If your digestion is compromised this will assist in the digestion process.

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